Mar 14, 2003 |
Update of the BCCM/LMBP plasmids catalogue
In March 2003, a new version of the BCCM/LMBP plasmids catalogue was made available on the CABRI site. The updated catalogue now includes 681 plasmids. Moreover, links to the Medline database, through the Pubmed service, has been established so that the abstract of reference papers can be displayed, when available. If you want to see some of them, look through the archives at BestWritingService.com. |
CABRI Simple Search page
BCCM/LMBP Information page
BCCM/LMBP section in the HyperCatalogue
Mar 14, 2003 |
Collaboration with OECD groups 1 & 3
EBRCN continues its active collaboration with OECD. A small subgroup of the OECD BRC Task Force will hold a satellite meeting at the EBRCN Partner's meeting in Genoa on 26 March to discuss Long-term sustainability of BRCs and funding models. Also, the next OECD BRC Task Force meeting will probably be associated with the ASM meeting in Washington in May 2003. Some EBRCN partners will be contributing to both meetings. |
Mar 14, 2003 |
New NCCB bacteria catalogue
The NCCB bacterial collection was formed by the merger of the collections of the LMD (Laboratory of Microbiology, Delft) and Phabagen, the collection of bacterial mutants, plasmids and phages of the University of Utrecht. The collection is now part of CBS in Utrecht and the NCCB catalogue was recently made available on the CABRI site. It is the first combined catalogue, containing information on both wild types and mutants. |
Simple Search
NCCB Centre
NCCB Bacteria in HyperCatalogue
Mar 10, 2003 |
EBRCN Newsletter - Registration
The first newsletter from the EBRCN project was released on the 27th of January 2003. It is freely available and briefly surveys all actions of the project and aims to be quaterly. You will find details of the subjects described on the web site. Why not register to receive it, so that you are aware of all the activities, developments and documents from EBRCN. |
Registration to the News
Dec 1, 2002 |
Update of the ICLC catalogue
The ICLC catalogue has been updated on CABRI in November 2002, with links from the literature references to Medline, through the PubMed services. |
Simple Search
ICLC centre
ICLC Cell lines in the HyperCatalogue
Nov 1, 2002 |
New NCCB phage catalogue
In October, a new version of the NCCB phage catalogue was made available on the CABRI site. The catalogue contains data on history, host, literature and numerous properties of the phages. A link to the formulation of the appropriate medium is also provided |
Simple Search
NCCB Centre
NCCB Phages in HyperCatalogue
| © EBRCN Copyright © This work cannot be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written permission of the EBRCN coordinator. |