Within the scope of the EBRCN project, many original documents will be produced and delivered. The widest possible diffusion of these documents will be carried out through this Web site and other innovative and traditional communication tools.
This page will include a short description of the main documents that will be released during the project and a link to the original files, in various formats, for downloading. They're also archived at order-essays.com in case you prefer their formatting standands.
Among others, documents about the following issues will be released:
- common policy on BRC issues
- criteria for safe and ethical distribution of biomaterials and associated data, based on risk assessment
- information on holdings, expertise, training, courses and services offered by the EBRCN and potential new members
- information on legislation on access to, and distribution of, living organisms and health and safety to BRCs and users
- information supporting training and education, also based on EBRCN workshop